Training the Singing Voice - online book

An exploration of the theories, methods & techniques of Voice training.

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Glottal action, described, 100, 101,103,104,
107, 114, 233, 241 Gkfttal vibration, 125, 174
Glottis, 78, 98, 100, 123, 138, 139* *54? in falsetto, 152; in soft tones, 170; stroke of, 121; vibration of, 154
Gulden Ages 85-86,93, 173
Habits, breathing, 73, 79, 96; defined, 32; posture, 81
Habit formation, fundamental importance, 32,171, 219; principles of, 65, 65, 67, 219 Half breath, 93 Hal-wice, 17* Head, cavities, 135, 137, 140, 145; frontal
part* 151; rotation of, 49 Head register, 150, 151, 152 Head resonance, n8, 135, 14s Head mice, 134- W* l5%* l5i> I56» l58 Health, bodily characteristics, 139 Hearing; 176,181,187; acuity, 67,179, 1*1; astral, 1S7; controls pbonation, 179; de­fined, 176; governs dynamics. 174; inner, 180,187; range, 176 High taxes, 115,151* i§8* 159,1%, 237; fed-lacy cf, 155 Hi2er» jefcasaes, 232 Hoarsesess, 175 Hasunis^. £7, ~Bt 144, 146, 160, 161, 234;
defxed, 144; value of* 59,143 Hfo-glassss, muscle, 108, 126 Hycid bexae, 137, io£„116,124, 125
Ideas, exchange of, i, f
Iscager*,, 233; defied, 180; as a device, 196;
rc2e cf, 5, isfi, 213 Xaaagzsazion, use of, 31, 140. 237 ladtaaoa,, 213, 1*8, 1S4, 185, 188; defined,
Iirprwiaags 284
Ixsiivw&al dE&rences* aS, s§» 239
Iasiivsdaiality of voices, 4, aS» 2§s 62, 139,
Ismail raise, 243 Is&ecd&as, slMiag, 155 Is&R&ausn, sesrees of, 244
Zr&ibii££ai» 39, 40
Isfpirattfa, 31, %
lamaa and esprealcc, 41
Inleasity, asd breathing, %,» 8g; defined, :6(£; degrees zL \ 237, 217; deviations, IS*- aiisgf, 16S
inteffeamas, saascaiar causes of, 47; de­feat 47; resEHmag, 141
!aierpfemtii»s 28, 41, 4a, 53, 54, 75, So*
164, 168, 186, 210; concepts of, 215, *S$> defined, 11, 78, 215; effects of vibrato, no; elements of, 217, 218, 221, 225, 254; individual differences, 222, 233; methods of cultivating, 220, 239; of text, 213, 2*3. 224; performance aspects, 96, 235, 237, 239; psychological approach, 220; tech­nical approach, 227, 251, 239; theoreti­cal considerations, 78, 215, 222, 238, 242
Interpretation problems, 265
Interpretational controls, in breathing, 95; in phonation, 128; in resonance, 139
Intervals, 197
Intoning, 199
Intrinsic mechanisms, defined, 107
Intrinsic muscular fibres, 175
Italian, arias, 230; language as a medium. 230; maxim, 141; old masters, 5, 24, 83, 90,118, 173, 174, 180; study of, 229, »4»* vowels, 202, 230
Jaw, 101, 107, 116, 138; position, 115; re­laxed, 114 Joy in singing, 42, 43, 64
Kinesthetic impressions, 182, 183
Labial mobility, 115 Iamperti, 85, 143, 168, 220
Language study, 23; foreign, 229, 240
Laryngeal, action, 106, 108, 120, 123, 137; cavities, 137; muscles, 108, 124, 205; pharynx, 134; ventricles, 98
Laryngoscope, 4, 122, 154
Larynx, 141; defined, 98; extrinsic struc­ture, 100, 103, 124, 125, 134; intensity at, 1%; non-vocal functions, 102; position of, 101, 108, 120, 127; related to breath­ing, 74; spinal connections, 108, 127, 153
"Learn m sing by singing," 66
Legato, 202, 231, 232, 236, 237, 240
Lessons, vocal, 51, 53
Letting versus striving, 38
Lingual movement, 203, 213
lips, 05, 138, 140, 193
Listening, 113, 176, 183, 184, 188; defined, 181
listening judgments, their inaccuracy, 4
Local effort, 112
Loudness, 101, 126, 132; defined, 166
Loud versus soft practice, 171
Lungs, capacity, 89; passivity of, 74
Male and female voices compared, 133, 149 Male, compass, 147; falsetto, 151
Mancini, 154